Donations to the Communities United For Justice Fund 501(c)(3) are tax deductible.

About Us

United We Stand. 

Divided We Fall.


For too long, grassroots organizations have advocated in silos on behalf of marginalized communities when all our social justice issues have a common thread: that all individuals be treated with fairness and equity.


Communities United for Justice was formed to create a social justice advocacy platform that recognizes and encourages the oppressed, suppressed and marginalized to join forces to achieve common objectives through collaboration.

A collaboration of grassroots organizations came together over the last three election cycles to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their collective voter education and mobilization strategies. The result was increased turnout among progressives and voters of color. 


Mr. Richard Rose, the architect of this successful collaborative strategy has formed Communities United for Justice to formalize the collaboration and combine it with a state-of-the art technology platform  for civic engagement to transform community outreach.

Communities United for Justice: Fighting for Political, Racial, Economic and Environmental Justice


Political Justice: We believe that the rights proclaimed in the Constitution must be applied fairly and equitably to all citizens, to enjoy the freedom to pursue their best lives. We therefore fight against the injustice of gerrymandering, voter suppression and authoritarianism that stifle citizen rights and participation.


Racial Justice:  We fight against the resurgence of overt white supremacy that has infiltrated mainstream society and accelerated the violent assault on communities of color. We seek to eliminate persistent racial disparities in the criminal justice system, the economy and jobs, and healthcare.


Economic Justice: The economy will be more successful when all citizens have opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential. We fight against the injustice of disinvestment, red-lining, and glass ceilings. We fight for equitable access to opportunities and resources.


Environmental Justice: We fight to eliminate the disproportionate economic and health impacts of environmental hazards and climate change on marginalized communities.


Communities United for Justice

Direct Action,  Voter and Legislative Engagement on Local, State and Federal Levels

Organizing local communities for heard year-round advocacy

Educating voters on issues and elections